Patri-Soft - Tasks, Projects and People COPYRIGHT(C) 1995 Please Refer to QUICK START for instructions on using TPP. NOTE: THIS FILE IS IN REVERSE CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER November 22, 1995 Version 1.51 Maintenance release to fix the following: o When edit a task, the recurring form would sometimes select the incorrect date for the Next Recurring Date o In the same recurring form, the ending date field would sometimes not accept direct input. o Drag and drop has been corrected to drop parent tasks correctly. o File Open sometimes would sometimes open a file, and not display the entries. October 6, 1995 Version 1.50 o Columns of both the Task List and the Address book may be resized by dragging the column separators o Added a feature to check for due tasks upon startup o Added a manual scan of the Task List to check for items that are coming due. o Multiple databases may be created by using the File/Open capability o The Task List and Address Book can be sorted on any field by clicking on that field's title. o Menus can be quickly activated by pressing the right mouse button over the Address Book or Task List o The main screen of TPP has been changed to hold more task items. o An option has been added to remove the buttons under the Address Book and Task List. o Change Priority/Status on the fly by double click on appropriate field o Moved the Address Book to the front window - now a sliding window. Postion the mouse pointer on the border, and drag it to the desired position. o The Task List or Address Book may be quickly opened and closed by double clicking on the title bar. o The font size of the Address Book and Task List may be changed in the options menu. o Added an option to suppress reference calenders when printing. May 2, 1995 Version 1.39 o New Note window at bottom did sometimes not refresh notes o Dialer notes did not always refresh o Enabled DEL key when edit notes from main screen o Recurring screen in task editing did not paint fully o Added option to turn on and off the note window at bottom. April 14, 1995 o Added a sizeable window at the bottom of the list to allow viewing and editing of notes o When all a projects subtasks were removed, the note Icon would sometimes be removed o Drag and drop of items in the main display would remove notes. April 6, 1995 o TPP can now dial a pager when the task alarm sounds. INSTRUCTIONS ON USE OF PAGING FACILITY: 1. Configure the pager by selection Options/Configure - Enter your pager number - Enter the code you want displayed on your pager - Enter the number of seconds the paging cycle takes. TPP will hang up after that number of seconds - Test the pager, then select OK 2. You must be in AWAY mode to be paged. Otherwise, the Alarm will sound as normal. 3. To enter AWAY mode, select File/Away or press CTRL-A. o Corrected a problem where the notes would not be copied during drag and drop. o When printing, some tasks were not properly displayed. o Corrected some display problems encountered on 640x480 screens o Corrected minor report printing preview problems. MARCH 15, 1995 Version 1.32 o When activating calender icon in the resource screen, the program would terminate o The filters were not properly reset after using the Archive feature. MARCH 13, 1995 Version 1.31 o Fixed small bug in birthday of resource. Would cause a runtime error which would terminate program. March 10, 1995 Version 1.3 General Release Summary of Changes o Added Drag and drop for moving sub-tasks/task between other subtasks and tasks. o Added CTRL-V, CTRL-C and CTRL-X (cut and paste) into the task screen o Enhanced the print preview facility for better viewing o Click on print preview screen to enlarge window. o Fixed bug relating to the list printing of priorities. o Fixed an alarm bug, when set for -1, sometime would not sound Please inform us of any problems you might encounter. 12/94 Version 1.2 Beta Test SUMMARY OF CHANGES IN VERSION 1.2 1. First introduced as a beta test version Everything looks good at this point. There is still some proof reading to do but it is time to get it in more people's hands to get some feedback and more intensive testing.